import { onManageActiveEffect, prepareActiveEffectCategories, } from '../helpers/effects.mjs'; /** * Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications * @extends {ActorSheet} */ export class Shadowrun6ActorSheet extends ActorSheet { /** @override */ static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { classes: ['shadowrun-6e-ultimate', 'sheet', 'actor'], width: 600, height: 600, tabs: [ { navSelector: '.sheet-tabs', contentSelector: '.sheet-body', initial: 'features', }, ], }); } /** @override */ get template() { return `systems/shadowrun-6e-ultimate/templates/actor/actor-${}-sheet.hbs`; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ getData() { // Retrieve the data structure from the base sheet. You can inspect or log // the context variable to see the structure, but some key properties for // sheets are the actor object, the data object, whether or not it's // editable, the items array, and the effects array. const context = super.getData(); // Use a safe clone of the actor data for further operations. const actorData =; // Add the actor's data to for easier access, as well as flags. context.system = actorData.system; context.flags = actorData.flags; // Prepare character data and items. if (actorData.type == 'character') { this._prepareItems(context); this._prepareCharacterData(context); } // Prepare NPC data and items. if (actorData.type == 'npc') { this._prepareItems(context); } // Add roll data for TinyMCE editors. context.rollData =; // Prepare active effects context.effects = prepareActiveEffectCategories( // A generator that returns all effects stored on the actor // as well as any items ); return context; } /** * Organize and classify Items for Character sheets. * * @param {Object} actorData The actor to prepare. * * @return {undefined} */ _prepareCharacterData(context) { // Handle ability scores. // for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(context.system.abilities)) { // v.label = game.i18n.localize(CONFIG.SHADOWRUN_6.abilities[k]) ?? k; // } } /** * Organize and classify Items for Character sheets. * * @param {Object} actorData The actor to prepare. * * @return {undefined} */ _prepareItems(context) { // Initialize containers. const gear = []; const features = []; const spells = { 0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: [], }; // Iterate through items, allocating to containers for (let i of context.items) { i.img = i.img || Item.DEFAULT_ICON; // Append to gear. if (i.type === 'item') { gear.push(i); } // Append to features. else if (i.type === 'feature') { features.push(i); } // Append to spells. else if (i.type === 'spell') { if (i.system.spellLevel != undefined) { spells[i.system.spellLevel].push(i); } } } // Assign and return context.gear = gear; context.features = features; context.spells = spells; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); // Render the item sheet for viewing/editing prior to the editable check. html.on('click', '.item-edit', (ev) => { const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents('.item'); const item ='itemId')); item.sheet.render(true); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable if (!this.isEditable) return; // Add Inventory Item html.on('click', '.item-create', this._onItemCreate.bind(this)); // Delete Inventory Item html.on('click', '.item-delete', (ev) => { const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents('.item'); const item ='itemId')); item.delete(); li.slideUp(200, () => this.render(false)); }); // Active Effect management html.on('click', '.effect-control', (ev) => { const row = ev.currentTarget.closest('li'); const document = row.dataset.parentId === ? :; onManageActiveEffect(ev, document); }); // Rollable abilities. html.on('click', '.rollable', this._onRoll.bind(this)); // Drag events for macros. if ( { let handler = (ev) => this._onDragStart(ev); html.find('li.item').each((i, li) => { if (li.classList.contains('inventory-header')) return; li.setAttribute('draggable', true); li.addEventListener('dragstart', handler, false); }); } } /** * Handle creating a new Owned Item for the actor using initial data defined in the HTML dataset * @param {Event} event The originating click event * @private */ async _onItemCreate(event) { event.preventDefault(); const header = event.currentTarget; // Get the type of item to create. const type = header.dataset.type; // Grab any data associated with this control. const data = duplicate(header.dataset); // Initialize a default name. const name = `New ${type.capitalize()}`; // Prepare the item object. const itemData = { name: name, type: type, system: data, }; // Remove the type from the dataset since it's in the itemData.type prop. delete itemData.system['type']; // Finally, create the item! return await Item.create(itemData, { parent: }); } /** * Handle clickable rolls. * @param {Event} event The originating click event * @private */ _onRoll(event) { event.preventDefault(); const element = event.currentTarget; const dataset = element.dataset; // Handle item rolls. if (dataset.rollType) { if (dataset.rollType == 'item') { const itemId = element.closest('.item').dataset.itemId; const item =; if (item) return item.roll(); } } // Handle rolls that supply the formula directly. if (dataset.roll) { let label = dataset.label ? `[ability] ${dataset.label}` : ''; let roll = new Roll(dataset.roll,; roll.toMessage({ speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: }), flavor: label, rollMode: game.settings.get('core', 'rollMode'), }); return roll; } } }