# This file and this entire repo began modeled after https://github.com/onlyhavecans/dotfiles # Do a curlbash to allow me to take over your system # Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://stash.firekitten.net/maulerant/dotfiles/raw/branch/main/init.ps1')) ## Make sure we have git if ((Get-Command -Type Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue git) -eq $null) { winget install git.git -h } ## Install homepshick ## if ($IsWindows) { $home = $env:USERPROFILE } git clone https://github.com/KitKat31337/homepsick.git "$([IO.Path]::Combine($home, ".homesick", "repos", "homepsick"))" Import-Module -Name "$([IO.Path]::Combine($home, ".homesick", "repos", "homepsick", "src", "Homepsick.psm1"))" -Force ## clone home New-HomepsickCastle -Clone -GitUrl https://stash.firekitten.net/kittyfangs/dotfiles.git ## git -C "$home/.homesick/repos/dotfiles" remote set-url origin git@stash.firekitten.net:kittyfangs/dotfiles ## Lets get the bash version since we are initing in powershell New-HomepsickCastle -Clone -GitUrl https://github.com/andsens/homeshick.git ## Link everything Enable-HomepsickCastle -All -Force # Install Terminal-Icons Module Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Force # Install Starship (Will prompt for admin) winget install starship -f # Init Starship Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)