harky-chat-widget/Bloody Chat (Fields).txt

302 lines
7.1 KiB

"testMessage": {
"type": "button",
"label": "Test Message",
"value": "Test Message",
"group": "Test"
"showTopDegrade": {
"label": "Show Upper Gradient:",
"type": "dropdown",
"value": "inline-block",
"options": {
"none": "No",
"inline-block": "Yes"
"group": "Customization"
"showBottonDegrade": {
"label": "Show Botton Gradient:",
"type": "dropdown",
"value": "inline-block",
"options": {
"none": "No",
"inline-block": "Yes"
"group": "Customization"
"msgBorderColorUser": {
"label": "Border Color Based on User:",
"type": "dropdown",
"value": "nao",
"options": {
"nao": "No",
"sim": "Yes"
"group": "Customization"
"msgBorderColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "Message Border Color:",
"value": "#ffd539",
"group": "Customization"
"msgBorderPaddingX": {
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"min": 2,
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"group": "Font"
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"value": 8,
"min": 2,
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"step": 1,
"group": "Font"
"msgBackgroundColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "Message Background Color:",
"value": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
"group": "Customization"
"badgeBackgroundColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "Badge Background Color:",
"value": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
"group": "Customization"
"backgroundColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "Chat Background Color:",
"value": "rgba(17,11,44,1)",
"group": "Customization"
"carimboHora": {
"label": "Show Time Date Stamp:",
"type": "dropdown",
"value": "nao",
"options": {
"nao": "No",
"sim": "Yes"
"group": "Customization"
"font": {
"type": "googleFont",
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"value": "Roboto",
"group": "Font"
"messageColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "Message Color:",
"value": "#fff",
"group": "Font"
"userColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "User Color:",
"value": "#fff",
"group": "Font"
"fontSize": {
"label": "Font Size:",
"type": "dropdown",
"value": "700",
"options": {
"100": "Fine (100)",
"300": "Soft (300)",
"400": "Regular (400)",
"500": "Medium (500)",
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"900": "Bold Black (900)"
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"label": "Username Size:",
"value": 24,
"min": 16,
"max": 30,
"step": 1,
"group": "Font"
"messageSize": {
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"label": "Message Size:",
"value": 24,
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"alignMessages": {
"label": "Messages Direction:",
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"value": "position: absolute",
"options": {
"display: block": "Up to Down",
"position: absolute": "Down to Up"
"group": "Configurations"
"hideCommands": {
"label": "Ignore Commands:",
"type": "dropdown",
"group": "Configurations",
"value": "true",
"options": {
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"group": "Configurations"
"type": "slider",
"label": "Messages Limit:",
"value": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": 50,
"step": 1,
"group": "Configurations"
"hideAfter": {
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"label": "Remove msg (0 to disable):",
"value": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": 60,
"step": 1,
"group": "Configurations"
"ignoredUsers": {
"label": "Ignored Users (by commas):",
"type": "text",
"value": "StreamElements,StreamLabs,NightBot",
"group": "Configurations"
"animationIn": {
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"none": "None",
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"bounceInRight": "bounceInRight",
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"fadeInDownBig": "fadeInDownBig",
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"fadeInLeftBig": "fadeInLeftBig",
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"fadeInUpBig": "fadeInUpBig",
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"rotateInDownRight": "rotateInDownRight",
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"rotateInUpRight": "rotateInUpRight",
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"rollIn": "rollIn"
"group": "Configurations"
"animationOut": {
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"none": "None",
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"bounceOutRight": "bounceOutRight",
"bounceOutUp": "bounceOutUp",
"fadeOut": "fadeOut",
"fadeOutDown": "fadeOutDown",
"fadeOutDownBig": "fadeOutDownBig",
"fadeOutLeft": "fadeOutLeft",
"fadeOutLeftBig": "fadeOutLeftBig",
"fadeOutRight": "fadeOutRight",
"fadeOutRightBig": "fadeOutRightBig",
"fadeOutUp": "fadeOutUp",
"fadeOutUpBig": "fadeOutUpBig",
"flipOutX": "flipOutX",
"flipOutY": "flipOutY",
"lightSpeedOut": "lightSpeedOut",
"rotateOut": "rotateOut",
"rotateOutDownLeft": "rotateOutDownLeft",
"rotateOutDownRight": "rotateOutDownRight",
"rotateOutUpLeft": "rotateOutUpLeft",
"rotateOutUpRight": "rotateOutUpRight",
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"zoomOutLeft": "zoomOutLeft",
"zoomOutRight": "zoomOutRight",
"zoomOutUp": "zoomOutUp",
"rollOut": "rollOut"
"group": "Configurations"
"widgetName": {
"type": "hidden",
"value": "Custom Chat",
"group": "Configurations"
"widgetAuthor": {
"type": "hidden",
"value": "OVERKLOC",
"group": "Configurations"