An archived copy of F-Chat Rising before deletion. Many thanks to FireUnderTheMountain on GitHub for having a up-to-date copy. Don't delete your code. People depend on it.
Go to file
Carlen White ffb8b294ca
Final Commit
2025-02-18 17:12:49 -05:00
.run Cleanup 2020-06-20 13:43:34 -05:00
assets/fonts Adds Openmoji font 2024-01-22 20:49:23 +01:00
bbcode minor tweaks 2024-07-05 20:38:57 -07:00
chat minor tweaks 2024-07-05 20:38:57 -07:00
components Profile analyzer 2023-03-11 21:43:58 -08:00
docs updated version 2024-07-06 20:38:21 -07:00
electron updated version 2024-07-06 20:38:21 -07:00
fchat minor 2024-01-30 15:59:55 -08:00
helpers Cleaner no high-contrast mode implementation 2021-12-29 14:21:00 -06:00
learn minor tweaks 2024-07-05 20:38:57 -07:00
mobile Merge remote-tracking branch 'f-list/master' into canary 2021-03-21 11:42:40 -05:00
scss Merge pull request #325 from FatCatClient/theme-bonanza 2024-07-05 18:04:10 -07:00
site minor tweaks 2024-07-05 20:38:57 -07:00
tslint 3.0.10 2019-01-03 18:38:17 +01:00
webchat Merge remote-tracking branch 'f-list/master' into canary 2021-03-21 11:42:40 -05:00
.gitignore Check for unread notes and messages 2020-11-27 00:12:47 -06:00
.ncurc.json minor 2023-09-03 17:55:52 -07:00
.nvmrc Merge branch 'master' into canary 2023-05-21 21:01:51 -07:00 updated version 2024-07-06 20:38:21 -07:00 minor tweaks 2024-07-05 20:38:57 -07:00
LICENSE mrstallion => hearmeneigh 2023-09-02 13:41:44 -07:00 minor 2024-01-26 19:45:59 -08:00 Final Commit 2025-02-18 17:12:49 -05:00
index.d.ts ad editor / post ads 2022-12-24 21:44:55 -08:00
interfaces.ts 3.0.13 2019-09-17 19:19:29 +02:00
keys.ts 0.2.17 - Webpack 4, Bootstrap 4, remove jquery 2018-03-04 04:36:20 +01:00
package.json updated version 2024-07-06 20:38:21 -07:00
tsconfig.json build fix 2024-07-06 17:30:34 -07:00
tslint.json Better management of accidental parallel message posting 2020-04-19 12:59:49 -05:00
webpack.js build fix 2024-07-06 17:30:34 -07:00
yarn.lock minor 2024-07-06 20:25:51 -07:00


This repo is an archive of the deleted hearmeneigh/fchat-rising on GitHub and will not receive future updates. Consider looking towards this fork for continued support: FireUnderTheMountain/fchat-risinger


Windows x64 | Windows arm64 | MacOS M1 | MacOS Intel | Linux x64 | Linux arm64

F-Chat Rising

This repository contains a heavily customized version of the mainline F-Chat 3.0 client.


Setting Up

FChat-Rising uses NodeJS 16.x and may not work on newer versions. Use nvm or nvm-windows to simplify your life.

# Windows only:
npm install --global --production --vs2015 --add-python-to-path windows-build-tools node-gyp

# Ubuntu only:
sudo apt install libsecret-1-dev

# MacOS only:
brew install python-setuptools

# All operating systems:
git clone
cd fchat-rising

# Optional; make sure your commits are anonymous
git config --local "SOME NAME"
git config --local ""

Dev Mode

Run two processes simultaneously:

# Process 1 -- watch
cd electron
yarn watch
# Process 2 -- app
cd electron
yarn start
# Use `Ctrl+Shift+I` to open the Chromium debugger.


cd electron
yarn build:dist
node pack.js

Key Differences

  1. Profile matching automatically compares your profile with others to determine with whom you are compatible.
  2. Automatic ad posting repeatedly posts and rotates ads on selected channels.
  3. Link previews popup shows a preview of an image / video when you hover your mouse over a link.
  4. Caching speeds up profile loads and other actions.
  5. Smart filters let you choose what kind of ads and posts you see in the chat.

More Detailed Differences

  • Channel Conversations
    • Highlight ads from characters most interesting to you
    • Hide clearly unmatched ads
  • Ad Auto-Posting
    • Manage channel ad settings via "Tab Settings"
    • Automatically re-post ads every 11-18 minutes (randomized) for up to 180 minutes
    • Rotate multiple ads on a single channel by entering multiple ads in "Ad Settings"
    • Channel owners can set a minimum time between ads by adding [ads: 30min] to the channel description
  • Ad Ratings
    • LFP ads are automatically rated (great/good/maybe/no) and matched against your profile
  • Private Conversations
    • View a characters' recent ads
    • Quick prof
  • Link Previews
    • Hover cursor over any [url] to see a preview of it
    • Hover cursor over any character name to see a preview of the character
    • Middle click any [url] to turn the preview into a sticky / interactive mode
    • Link preview has an ad-blocker to minimize page load times and protect against unfriendly scripts
    • Use alt/option key + mouse click to pin the link preview
  • Profile
    • Kinks are auto-compared when viewing character profile
    • Custom kink explanations can be expanded inline
    • Custom kinks are highlighted
    • Gender, anthro/human preference, age, sexual preference, and sub/dom preference are highlighted if compatible or incompatible
    • Guestbook, friend, and group counts are visible on tab titles
    • Character images are expanded inline
    • Cleaner presentation for the side bar details (age, etc.), sorted in most relevant order
    • Less informative side bar details (views, contact) are separated and shown in a less prominent way
    • Cleaner guestbook view
    • Profiles, images, guestbook posts, and groups are cached for faster view
    • Character view tabs (overview, images, etc.) stick to the top
    • Show/hide current profile with Ctrl+P or Command+P
    • Navigate back and forward in character profile view history
    • Profile Analyzer guides you to adjust your profile to maximize matches
  • Character Search
    • Search results are sorted based on match scores
    • Best matching profiles get a 'unicorn' tag
    • Display match score in search results
    • Current search filters are listed in the search dialog
    • Search filters can be reset
    • Search results can be filtered by species
    • Search results can be filtered by body type
    • Last 15 searches are stored and can be accessed from the 'Character search' dialog
  • Smart Filters
    • Filter out ads, channel posts, and PMs from characters based on filters such as age or kink preferences
    • Auto-respond to PMs with a 'no thanks' when character profile matches with your smart filters
  • Character Status Message
    • Last 10 status messages are stored and can be accessed from the 'Set status' dialog
  • General
    • Character profiles, guestbooks, friend lists, and image lists are cached for faster access
    • Conversation dialog can be opened by typing in a character name
    • Message search matches character names
    • PM list shows characters' online status as a colored icon
    • Use Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, Ctrl+PgDown, and Ctrl+PgUp to switch between character tabs
    • Show number of unread notes and messages in the bottom right corner
    • Colorblind mode
    • Option to disable Windows high contrast mode
    • Right click any word and select 'Look up...' to see its dictionary definition
  • Technical Details for Nerds
    • Upgraded to Electron 17.x
    • Replaced node-spellchecker with the built-in spellchecker that ships with Electron 8+
    • Multi-language support for spell checking (Windows only language is autodetected on MacOS)

How to Set Up Ads

  1. Open a conversation channel of your preference, such as #Sex Driven LFRP
  2. Locate the Ad Editor button underneath your character overview on the left.
  3. Enter one or more ads and tag them appropriately
  4. Click Save
  5. Click the Post Ads underneath the Ad Editor option.
  6. Select the tags you wish to use and which channel to post them in and then click Start Posting Ads on the bottom.
  7. To stop, click the red stop button next to the Post Ads button.


  1. The more information you have in your profile (non-custom kinks in particular), the better the matching quality will be. The algorithm considers the following data points:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Sexual preference
    • Dominance preference
    • Human/anthro preference
    • Post length preference
    • Position preference
    • Non-custom kinks
    • Species
  2. Matching for non-binary genders relies on kinks. For example, if your non-binary character has a preference for females, make sure 'females' are listed as a favorite kink.
    • Similarly if you want to match with non-binary genders -- independent of your characters' gender -- add your preferred non-binary types into your kink list.
  3. 'Underage' kink is considered to apply to characters aged 16 or above; 'ageplay' kink is considered to apply to characters aged 16 or below.
  4. 'Older characters' and 'younger characters' kink preferences are interpreted as age difference of 8+ years.
  5. Comparison results will get faster over time, as more and more character data is cached.
  6. If you have a species-fluid character (e.g. you play both your character as both a human and an anthro), you can indicate this by setting your species in your character profile in the following ways. F-List Rising will then score you against the best fitting type.
    • Human or tiger
    • Human, tiger, or dragon
    • Anthro (Horse or Tiger)
    • Dragon (Dwarf, Elf, or Human)
    • Elf (optionally vampire or dwarf)
    • Feline (optionally horse, tiger, or elf)

Todo / Ideas

  • Collect data on ads / responses to determine which ads work best
  • Preview mode should allow detaching from the main window
  • Improve log browsing
  • Conversation bot API
  • 'Filter unmatching ads' is not channel specific -- it's either on everywhere or nowhere
  • What are the things that would make your profile more compatible with others?

F-List Exported

This repository contains the open source parts of F-list and F-Chat 3.0. All necessary files to build F-Chat 3.0 as an Electron, mobile or web application are included.

Setting up a Dev Environment

  • Clone the repo
  • Install Yarn
  • Change into the cloned directory and run yarn install. If you only want to make a custom theme, you do not need to do this!
  • IntelliJ IDEA is recommended for development.

Building for Electron

  • Windows only: To build native Node assets, you will need to install Python and the Visual C++ 2015 Build tools. More information can be found in the node-gyp docs.
    • npm install --global --production --vs2015 --add-python-to-path windows-build-tools node-gyp
  • Change into the electron directory.
  • Run yarn build/yarn watch to build assets. They are placed into the app directory.
  • Run yarn start to start the app in debug mode. Use Ctrl+Shift+I to open the Chromium debugger.

Building a Release Package (Electron)

  1. cd electron
  2. yarn build:dist
  3. node pack.js


This section is outdated and left here for reference purposes only.

See Run cd electron && yarn build:dist to create a minified production build. Run yarn run pack. The generated installer is placed into the dist directory. On Windows you can add the path to and password for a code signing certificate as arguments. On Mac you can add your code signing identity as an argument. zip is required to be installed. On Linux you can add a GPG key for signing and its password as arguments. mksquashfs and zsyncmake are required to be installed.

Building for Mobile

Mobile builds are not supported. This section is outdated and left here for reference purposes only.

Are you a kickass mobile developer? Maybe you can help us fix the build.

Change into the mobile directory. Run yarn build/yarn watch to build assets. They are placed into the www directory. For Android, change into the android directory and run ./gradlew assembleDebug. The generated APK is placed into app/build/outputs/apk. For iOS, change into the ios directory and open F-Chat.xcodeproj using XCode. From there, simply run the app using the play button.

Building for Web

Web builds are not supported. This section is outdated and left here for reference purposes only.

Are you a kickass web developer? Maybe you can help us fix the build.

Change into the webchat directory. Run yarn build/yarn watch to build assets. They are placed into the dist directory. The compiled main.js file can be included by an HTML file that is expected to provide a global const chatSettings: {account: string, theme: string, characters: ReadonlyArray<string>, defaultCharacter: string | null};. It should also normalize the page to 100% height.

Building a custom theme

See the wiki for instructions on how to create a custom theme.

  • Change into the scss directory.
  • Run yarn install.
  • Run yarn build themes/chat/{name}.scss.
  • Your theme file will be placed into the scss/css directory.


Note: Adding and upgrading dependencies should only be done with prior consideration and subsequent testing.

That's why yarn.lock exists and is version controlled.

To upgrade NPM dependencies, run yarn upgrade locally. Run yarn outdated to see pending upgrades.

If you encounter error 'Could not detect abi for version X.X.X and runtime electron', try running npx uuaw node-abi